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Finding cause and effect in human services.

Results based accountability. What it is. What it isn't. What's needed with it.

Evaluation issues: The intrinsic appeal of the theoretically impossible

Talking about community development

Taken for granted management ideas can be uncertain, ambiguous and paradoxical

Quotes: food for thought

Quotes: food for thought
Quotes change with each page view


















Strategic planning
A strategic planning outline - a concepts framework
A one day strategic planning meeting agenda

Evaluating human services
Evaluating Human Services - Complexity - Uncertainty - Self-Delusion - Rigour
This article was first published in June 1996 in Evaluation News and Comment The Magazine of the Australasian Evaluation Society:

Performance indicators
Performance Indicators
This article was originally published in Caring, the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies Newsletter (September 1991). It seems as relevant for the Australian context now as it was in 1991.

Counting and measuring in human services
Counting and Measuring in Community Services PDF Version
This paper was first published in "Made to Measure: Counting and costing in human services, Conference Papers, Volume 2" published by New South Wales Council of Social Service, October 1999.

Community development
People talk about community development in any different ways. Here are some ideas connecting community development and social capital:
Community development

Community development models and language
This is a draft paper (PDF) to promote discussion about community development models and language. .

Nonprofits in business
Nonprofits in Business - Learning from Practice
This is the principal findings from the study Nonprofits in Business, a book that includes 24 Case Studies of nonprofits in business and was first published by WorkVentures in 1997.

Social Capital

Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities in NSW A Practitioner's Guide (101pp) Practitioner's Guide Full Report

Discussion Paper
Social capital factors :
Plausible theory about causal relationships

Other Social Capital Papers

Just for fun

Plannning and counting and measuring animations
just for fun.