2. Resources and links The resources and links here provide an introduction to social capital and its measurement, (particularly from an Australian perspective), and are grouped into the following areas: Conceptual
frameworks Conceptual Frameworks 1.Social Capital and public policy in Australian - Major themes and debates in the social capital literature: The Australian Connection, Ian Winter Chapter 2 in Social Capital and public policy in Australia (2000), edited by Ian Winter, Australian Institute of Family Studies available from the AIFS. A useful overview of the major conceptual issues. 2. Towards
and theorised understanding of family life and social capital, 3. Social
Capital: The missing link 4. Measuring social capital towards a theoretically informed measurement framework for researching social capital in family and community life (2001), Wendy Stone. This publication provides a review of measurement tools and a theoretical framework for future social capital research. Related issues & frameworks 5. Indicators
of Social and Family Functioning 6. Measuring well-being: Material progress and quality of life (2000), Richard Ecklersley. Keynote address to the Made to Measure Conference, NCOSS, October 1999. This paper addresses the question of whether life is getting better or worse. By ‘life' I mean quality of life for most people living in Australia. More specifically it deals with the relationships between material progress and quality of life. How we answer the question has an important bearing on social welfare and policy. 8. Social
Capital: Reviewing the Concept and its Policy Implications 9.
The Interrelations of Social Capital with Health and Mental Health,
Discussion Paper
Australian surveys and projects A National Australian Survey - the Australian Institute of Family Studies 10. The Families, Social Capital and Citizenship project (2000-2002) aimed to examine levels of social capital associated with varying family circumstances and to assess the importance of social capital in shaping patterns of family engagement with the economy, polity and community. The project aimed to test the ‘social capital thesis' by exploring the relative importance of different elements of social capital (trust, reciprocity, networks) to different sorts of family engagement outcomes. Data for the project was collected from a national random sample of around 2,000 adults via telephone, during December 2000 and January 2001. The survey collected information about the family's activities within and beyond the household and within and beyond the locality. The project summary contains further information and contact details. Some papers from the study: 11. Families,
social capital and citizenship project: fieldwork report 12. Social
capital at work How family, friends and civic ties relate to labour
market outcomes 13. Social
capital: empirical meaning and measurement validity Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities in NSW One of the first attempts to measure social capital was the study "Measuring Social Capital in five Communities in NSW".
16. Social
Capital Questionnaire - Five Communities in NSW - Best 36 questions Measuring Social Capital - Family Support Services and Neighbourhood and Community Centres in NSW 17. Social
Capital: Family Support Services and Neighbourhood and Community
Centres SUMMARY (1999,2005) FULL REPORT 18. The
questionnaire was used with group participants in family support
services 19. This
questionnaire was used with staff in family support services 20. Social Capital and Community Development in new release areas in the Wyong Shire (Warnervale/Wadalba), NSW This was a three year study 2000-2002 examining the relationship between social capital and community development. The specific questions were:
The research included interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, etc. There is overwhelming evidence in this study that community development activities and strategies impact on the community's social capital The
Project 21. Measuring and enhancing community capacity in outback NSW: the case of Broken Hill. The project is exploring the necessary conditions for rural renewal through intensive analysis of social capital formation and mobilisation in the outback community of Broken Hiull in NSW. The study includes a multidimensional analysis of social capital at the micro and macro levels in Broken Hill, in relation to cross-sector collaboration, interaction with economic, human and ecological factors, the role of community organisations and the social entrepreneur. The project is being undertaken by the Broken Hill community and the University of Technology Sydney in partnership with Commonwealth Dept of Family and Community Services. ContactJenny Onyx for details. 22. Social capital meta-analysis using the questions and scales developed in the study Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities in New South Wales. The questions used in the study Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities in NSW have been used widely used in the state of NSW, elsewhere in Australia and internationally. Paul Bullen and Jenny Onyx (who both worked on the original study) have undertaken a meta-analysis using multiple data sets from a variety of studies. The meta-analysis includes some exploratory structural equation modelling exploring cuasual connections between the factors. Details of the Path Models and the analysis on which
they are based in the Discussion Paper Social capital factors : Plausible
theory about causal relationships. Contact Paul Bullen for further details. 22A. Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth Using annual telephone interviews, the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) project studies the progress of several groups of young Australians as they move from school into post-secondary education and work. The oldest group in the project comprised people born in 1961; the youngest group comprises people born between 1 May 1987 and 30 April 1988. Social capital questions were included in 2004 and 2005 surveys (for YO3). 51 social capital items were administerd to a sub-sample of 2502 individuals in 2004 and a reduced set of 47 items were asked of the 8750 respondents in 2005. There are also plans to include questions in the 2006 surveys. The Longitudinal Survey of Australian Youth Home Page Creating Better Communities - social capital creation 23. Creating
better communities Working papers from CACOM (Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management) 24. Measuring Social Capital in Five Communities in NSW: An Analysis.(No 41) December 1997. Jenny Onxy and Paul Bullen 25. Rural Renewal and Social Capital: The Case of Sweden and Australia (No 46). November 2000. Jenny Onyx and Rosemary Leonard 26. Social Capital: the relative use of strong and loose network ties (No 49). April 2001. Jenny Onyx and Rosemary Leonard. 27.
Social Capital: A Rural Youth Perspective
(No 64) June 2005 28. Maleny: Social Capital and the Development Paradox (No 70) December 2005 Melissa Edwards, Jenny Onyx, Ann Dale 29. Developing Social Capital Among Older Ethnic Communities (A Masters Degree Project) (No 73) January 2006 Andrea Otto, Jenny Onyx These Working Papers can be ordered directly from CACOM. CACOM's contact details International Consortium for Mental Health Policy and Services - Mental health policy template. 29A. Policy template Correlations between social capital and health outcomes have been researched. There is good evidence that more socially cohesive societies are healthier with lower mortality....In terms of mental health, little work has been done to specifically explore how it may interface independently with social capital, although this body of knowledge is growing. Crime and Social Capital 30.
Crime and Social Capital (Australian Crime Prevention Council, 19th
Biennial International Conference on Preventing Crime) Crime
and Social Capital (1999), Adam Graycar Centre for Learning and Research in Regional Australia 31. Social Capital and Trust Some of the papers available are:
Social Capital Stories 32. Social
capital stories, How 12 Australian Households Live their Lives The Australian Bureau of Statistics 33. The ABS Social Capital Theme Page provides an up to date reference to the progress of the ABS social capital project - including the development of a social capital statistical framework. Papers available from this site include:
34. The 2004 Paper 1378.0 Information Paper: Measuring Social Capital - An Australian Framework and Indicators is available free from the ABS. 35.
Social Capital and Community Well-Being (2002) (discussion paper) New Zealand Statistics New Zealand 36.
Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand's official statistical agency. USA A US Survey - The Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey 37. This Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey is a major survey. The US national sample consisted of 3000 respondents. In addition, local community samples were surveyed in 40 communities. Each community sample consisted of at least 500 interviews and the total number of community respondents was 26,200 (29,200 respondents in all). The survey asked questions about various "dimensions" of social capital. Everything from: 1) levels of informal socializing with others neighbors, close friends, etc.) 2) to levels of trust of others and trust of government 3) to how diverse people's social networks are (bridging SK) 4) to what types of organizations people are active in 5) to volunteering and philanthropy 6) to work-based social connectedness 7) to levels of family contact 8) to political engagement 9) to use of the Internet 10) to religious participation. The survey instrument and findings are available on the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey web site. UK 38. UK National Statistics work includes: the ONS Social Capital Project which aims to develop and promote a more consistent approach to the measurement of social capital and to produce analytical articles on social capital; Community Well Being Domain Group within Neighbourhood Statistics; Interactive Question Bank. 39. Social
Capital Question Bank There are many ways of measuring
social capital. The Social Capital Question Bank is based on the ONS
survey matrix Canada 40. Social
Capital as a Public Policy Tool. This project is being
undertaken by the Policy Research Initiative and is designed to:
understand the potential of social capital to affect public policy
outcomes in Canada; develop and build consensus around an analytical
and measurement framework that will have practical applications
for various federal policy departments; and 41.
Measurement of Social Capital Reference Document for Public Policy
Research, Development,
and Evaluation
42. Measurement
of Social Capital: the Canadian Experience Other Places Other measurement tools and approaches 43. Social Capital Assessment Tool, Anirudh Krishna and Elizabeth Shrader , prepared for the Conference on Social Capital and Poverty Reduction, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. June 22-24, 1999. Part I of this paper reviews the measurement literature, while Part II presents a set of tools that are being developed in response to a demand for a uniform methodology. 44. Global Social Capital Survey This Global Social Capital Survey, which includes questions on: groups and networks; subjective well-being; political engagement; sociability and everyday social interactions; community activities; relations with government; identity; violence and crime; communications; and demographics, was conducted in Uganda (and a similar version in Ghana) during 1998-99. It was designed by Deepa Narayan, Principal Social Development Specialist in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network of the World Bank. 45 A
Dimension Approach to Measuring Social Capital 46. What
does social capital add to individual welfare? An empirical analysis
of Russia, 47. Measuring
Social Capital: An Integrated Questionnaire Writings - Putnam, Cox, Fukuyama 48. A Truly Civil Society, The 1995 Boyer Lectures, Eva Cox The 1995 Boyer Lectures were the beginning of public discussion of Social Capital in Australia. Social capital refers to the processes between people which establish networks, norms, social trust and facilitate co-ordination and cooperation for mutual benefit. These processes are also know as social fabric or glue.
49. The Prosperous Community Social Capital and Public Life by Robert D. Putnam. Lessons from an Italian Experiment. Beginning in 1970, Italians established a nationwide set of potentially powerful regional governments. These 20 new institutions were virtually identical in form, but the social, economic, political, and cultural contexts in which they were implanted differed dramatically, ranging rom the pre industrial to the postindustrial, from the devoutly Catholic to the ardently Communist, from the inertly feudal to the frenetically modern. Just as a botanist might investigate plant development by measuring the growth of genetically identical seeds sown in different plots, we sought to understand government performance by studying how these new institutions evolved in their diverse settings......These communities did not become civic simply because they were rich. The historical record strongly suggests precisely the opposite: They have become rich because they were civic. 50. Social Capital and Civil Society Francis Fukuyama, The Institute of Public Policy, George Mason University. Social capital is important to the efficient functioning of modern economies, and is the sine qua non of stable liberal democracy. It constitutes the cultural component of modern societies, which in other respects have been organized since the Enlightenment on the basis of formal institutions, the rule of law, and rationality. Building social capital has typically been seen as a task for "second generation" economic reform; but unlike economic policies or even economic institutions, social capital cannot be so easily created or shaped by public policy. This paper will define social capital, explore its economic and political functions, as well as its origins, and make some suggestions for how it can be cultivated. Further reading, bibliographies, literature reviews 51. Social Capital Gateway Resources for the Study of Social Capital Edited by Fabio Sabatini University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Cassino Social Capital Gateway (formerly known as Capitale Sociale.it) is a personal, non profit, initiative. Its goals are:
53. The
Policy Implications of Social Capital 54. Social Capital Assessment Tool Web Site - This site provides resources to researchers and practitioners interested in understanding and using social capital to reduce poverty and ensure more sustainable development. The site presents the results of two major World Bank programs, the Social Capital Initiative and the Local Level Institutions Study. In addition to presenting the results of several empirical studies on the role of social capital in development, the site also offers a conceptual discussion, literature reviews, and a set of measurement and analysis tools. 55. Social
Capital: Conceptual Frameworks and Empirical Evidence--An Annotated
Bibliography 57. Social
Capital: Literature Review Links 58. A useful site for social capital resources and background information is the World Bank's Social Capital Site. It includes numerous articles and a discussion group. |