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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
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Contents | 1. Introduction | 2.Steps | 3.Table of contents | 4. Formats and examples | 5. Resources

6. Internet Resources

The following are some starting points for Internet resources.

Policy Manuals

CRC Sample Organisational Manual

A wide variety of policy examples can be found in the Sample Carer respite Centre Organisational Manual and Support Materials. This manual is especially useful for the service process examples. It does not include human resource and management and administration policies.

The full Sample Organisational Manual and support materials is available here in Word, WordPercfect and PDF formats.

NCOSS Resoruces.

Templates and Resources

Policy Papers, Circulars, etc

Government departments often have policies on particular issues, for example Child Protection, Aids, Infections Diseases, etc. Government Department policies and publications are a useful source of information when preparing policies on specific issues. Some starting points are:

NSW Health Publications

Department of Health and Ageing Publications

Department of Community Services Partners