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Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

6. Resources

There are many different kinds of planning literature. For example:

Management Handbooks - eg. The section Thinking Strategically, in Ali, Moi et al, Managing for Excellence, Dorling Kindersley, 2001

How to business planning books - eg, Birt, Ian. Writing your plan for small business success, Fourth edition, Pearson Education, Sydney, 2010.

Table of Contents 1. Understanding Business Planning 2. The Business Profile 3. The Marketing Plan 4. The Production Plan 5. The Purchasing Plan 6. The Personnel Plan 7. The Financial Plan 8. The Completed Business Plan

Practical how to advice - eg, Sherman, James, R. Plan your work: Work your plan. Secrets for more productive planning. Crisp Publications, California. 1991 (Fifty Minute Manager series)

Critical reviews of planning and the planning process - eg, Mintzberg, Henry. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning. Prentice Hall, New York. 1994/2000.