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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

3. Planning models and examples


A. Strategic

B. Human

B1 Arabic youth
B2.The Vietnamese

B3. The Spanish

B4. Samoan new

B5. Macedonian
     artistic life

B6 Counselling for
   families and YP

C. Community

C1. Elderly group
C2. Polish men
C3. Korean youth
C4. Elderly Chinese
D. Project plan


A. Strategic planning
There are a variety of definitions and models for strategic planning. Here is an example of a strategic planning model with 10 steps.

B. Human services planning
The organisational context for a direct service plan is the vision, values and mission of the auspicing organisation. Within this context people in the community, and their needs, are the starting point and end point of the planning process. Examples are:
1. Arabic youth
2. The Vietnamese community
3. The Spanish community
4. Samoan new arrivals
5. Macedonian artistic life
6. Counseling for families and young people

C. Community development
Community development projects are open-ended processes based on community development principles. It is useful to imagine a community development process as: starting in the community; evolving ; achieving specific project outcomes that are usually not know in advance; impacting on the community; connecting the community. Examples are:
1. An elderly group building community
2.Polish men to have better understanding of family and health issues
3. Korean young people integrate better into Australian society
4. Developing services for elderly Chinese

D. Project plan
Projects require a plan of what is intended and a description of what actually happens. This tool provides a pro forma that can be used for a project work plans.