What is the model of service
If one were documenting a service
model useful headings are:
A. Service framework
B. Service process
Service framework
What is the purpose of the service?
Who are the clients?
What is to be achieved for the clients?
What values and beliefs underpining the service?
What theoretical underpin the service?
What are some of the unique characteristics of the service and or
clients, e.g.
risks and complexity and unpredictability
What are the key ingredients for success
Service process
What are the phases in the service process,
for example:
- Referral
- Intake
- Assessment
- Engagement
- Doing the work
- Review
- Case closure
For each of these phases?
- What is to be archived?
- What are the steps in the service process?
- What are the policies?
- What are the forms used?
- What are the pointers to progress?