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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Introduction | 2.Steps | 3.Table of contents | 4. Formats and examples | 5. Resources

4. Formats and examples

0 - Format examples
Tables of contents

1- CRC Manual
2- Refuge Manual
Values and principles
3. Client rights and

4. Staff rights and

5. Board rights and

6. Beliefs and

7. Board
8. Management

9. CEO job

Service models
10. Supported

Legal frameworks
11. Duty of care
12. Privacy
Aspects of
service process

13. Worker security
    on home visits

Human resources
14. Disputes and

15. Evaluation



Example 5: Board members rights and responsibilities

We believe Board members have a right to:

1. Adequate information on which to base decisions

2. Orientation, training and development necessary for them to carry out their role.

Board members responsibilities:

1. Act honestly and in good faith

2. Ensure that the organisation carries out activities within its purpose.

3. Disclose potential conflicts of interest as soon as they arise. This includes financial, political or personal benefit from:

  • other business or professional activities
  • employment or accountability to other people or organisations
  • membership of other organisations
  • ownership of property or other assets.

4. Where there is a conflict of interest remove themselves from particular discussions, decisions or votes, or resign altogether from the management group.

5. Not use their position and information for personal benefit or advantage at the expense of the organisation.

6. Act in the best interests of the organisation. The interests of the organisation are the members as a whole, not any particular member or group of members. For example, a representative of consumers or staff on the management group should act for all members, not just those they represent.

7. Exercise powers for their proper use.

8. Ensure that duties they delegate to staff are carried out properly by competent people.

9. Respect the privacy and confidentiality of information obtained in the course of their participation and not share information that refers to staff members or members of the management group to any group or individual outside the organisation.

Based on Ethics in Community Organisations, Published by the Local Community Services Association and written by Paul Bullen.