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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

3. Planning models and examples


A. Strategic

B. Human

B1 Arabic youth
B2.The Vietnamese

B3. The Spanish

B4. Samoan new

B5. Macedonian
     artistic life

B6 Counselling for
   families and YP

C. Community

C1. Elderly group
C2. Polish men
C3. Korean youth
C4. Elderly Chinese
D. Project plan


C1. An elderly group building community and being more independent - community development example

The organisational context for a community development plan is the vision, values and mission of the auspicing organisation. The starting point and end point are also the needs of the people in the community.

In planning community development it is often useful to conceptualise the community development process as a series of outcomes to be achieved, each one building on the next one until the overall outcomes is achieved. To achieve these outcomes a series of strategies, activities or steps is required.

Outcomes - what we are trying to achieve Strategies/activities/steps - what keeps us busy
Overall outcome: Elderly people linked with people in their community and more independent .
6. Elderly people continuing to connect with and support each other Regular group meetings continue and also includes other one off activities and events
5. Elderly people supporting each other Elderly people make a roster of who will ring whom to check in on each other
4. Elderly people making connections

A regular drop in group established (where people can be picked up and dropped home).
Home phone numbers and other contact details exchanged

3. Isolated elderly people motivated to make some connections People invited to a community event they are likely to enjoy - picked up and taken and dropped back home
2. Isolated elderly people identify their needs Volunteers visit these elderly people in their homes and discuss needs
1. Isolated elderly people identified Talking with existing service providers