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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

3. Planning models and examples


A. Strategic

B. Human

B1 Arabic youth
B2.The Vietnamese

B3. The Spanish

B4. Samoan new

B5. Macedonian
     artistic life

B6 Counselling for
   families and YP

C. Community

C1. Elderly group
C2. Polish men
C3. Korean youth
C4. Elderly Chinese
D. Project plan


Planning models D - Project plans

Projects require a plan of what is intended and a description of what actually happens.

This tool provides a pro forma that can be used for a project work plans.

Project What is the name of the project?
Background How did this project arise? How was it identified? How has it evolved?
Description What is a brief description of the project?
Values What values underpin this project?
Target group & their needs Who will benefit?
What are their needs?
Aims What are the overall aims this project is trying to achieve?
Outcomes hierarchy What is the outcomes hierarchy that will lead to the achievement of these aims? (See Planning Model 3 for examples)
Objectives What are the specific objectives this project will achieve?
Strategies/ steps What are the principal strategies or steps that will be required to make this project happen? How will the project work?
Management Who is responsible for the management of the project?
Funding What financial resources are required and where are they coming from?
Time frame What is the time frame?
Action How has to do what to make the project happen? By when?
Evaluation How will the project be evaluated?