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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

3. Planning models and examples


A. Strategic

B. Human

B1 Arabic youth
B2.The Vietnamese

B3. The Spanish

B4. Samoan new

B5. Macedonian
     artistic life

B6 Counselling for
   families and YP

C. Community

C1. Elderly group
C2. Polish men
C3. Korean youth
C4. Elderly Chinese
D. Project plan


B3. Spanish community fully participating - planning services - an example


For the Spanish community in Australia to fully participate in Australian society and to be seen by the rest of the Australian community as fully participating and making a contribution.


The Spanish Settlement Association supports newly arrived Spanish speaking migrants in their resettlement in Australia through providing referral, counseling, information sessions and English classes.


Social justice
The right of everyone in Australian society to equal participation and access to services.


Members of the Spanish speaking community need adequate access to education, employment, housing, heath opportunities and services.

They need sufficient English speaking skills to be able to apply for jobs and know their rights.


For newly arrived members of the Spanish speaking community to know what services are available, to know their rights and to be able to access services


For 50 newly arrived Spanish speaking migrants living in this Local government Area to know what services are available, to know their rights and have sufficient English language skills to to be able to access services.


Information sessions on education, legal and government systems in Australia
Provides opportunities for newly arrived members of the community to meet others in the community
English language classes


Printed information resources


Number of people coming to information sessions
Number of people coming to English language classes


Members of the Spanish speaking community have sufficient English languages skills, understanding of Australia society and access to services to be able to fully participate in the Australian community,

Performance indicators

Outcomes achieved

Number of people who have improved their English speaking skills
Number of people who better understand Australian society and its organisations and systems

Strategies/activities completed (outputs)

Number of people coming to information sessions
Number of people coming to English language classes