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  Alternatives Pty Ltd
  ABN 23 050 334 435

Contents | 1. Essence | 2. Types | 3. Models | 4. Jargon | 5. Checklists | 6. Resources

3. Planning models and examples


A. Strategic

B. Human

B1 Arabic youth
B2.The Vietnamese

B3. The Spanish

B4. Samoan new

B5. Macedonian
     artistic life

B6 Counselling for
   families and YP

C. Community

C1. Elderly group
C2. Polish men
C3. Korean youth
C4. Elderly Chinese
D. Project plan


B1. Arabic youth - planning services - an example


For Arabic youth born in Australian to have a better understanding of their parents and grandparents culture and visa versa so that the lives of individuals within the Arabic community will be enhanced and the life of the Arabic community will be cultural enlivened.


The importance of Arabic culture in the life of the Arabic community in Australia.
Respect and tolerance for others' cultures


The need of young people and their parents to better understand each other.


For parents and children to achieve better understanding of each others needs and expectations.


For parents and children in this Local government Area to significantly improve their understanding of each other over the next 9 months.


To run education sessions for parents about youth lifestyles in Australia
To run Arabic language classes for youth
To undertake cross cultural training with schools about Arabic culture


Information handouts


Number of parents attending number of sessions
Number of young people attending number of language classes
No of schools undertaking cross cultural training


Arabic parents better understand their children's behavior by understanding how the Australian school system works and what youth services and activities are available.

Arabic young people will be able to understand and communicate better with their parents by improving their knowledge of Arabic language and culture .

Principals and teachers will have a better understanding of Arabic education systems and what Arabic parents expect of their children and so be better able to communicate with parents about their children's education.

Performance indicators

Outcomes achieved

Number of young people improving Arabic language skills
Number of parents significantly improving their understanding how the school system works

Strategies/activities completed (outputs)

Number of parents attending number of sessions
Number of young people attending number of language classes
No of schools undertaking cross cultural training